Aren't you yet lost in this “virtual candy store” where we are all are communicating? It certainly has many, many choices! But have you noticed that most of the "candies " are the same? ... A lot of sugar, sweet taste, too many calories, and ultimately, does nothing to nourish you the way you need....right? )) So maybe it's time for you to try and taste MY "candy"? It's sweet, but not too sweet. It has a variety of flavours and it provides that very nourishment you want and need... So - just open your eyes WIDER to be able to finally see my special "candy" in this virtual "candy store)) I think that it is important to stay optimistic and positive whatever happens. if every day is a holiday that would be too boring. Even cloudy days are useful as they make us stronger, that's how our experience and wisdom is gained, right? Lemons are tart but lemonade is so sweet))) I love sports and try myself in dancing and singing, take vocal classes. So when you come to serenade me under my balcony (like Romeo serenaded Juliet) we can make a duet )))) I believe that people need to try to be a little kinder towards each other and that's how we can make this world a little better...
About my partner
I'm looking for a man like me! he must be optimistic but he must love me. I believe that it does not matter what character a man or a woman has, if they have an attraction and they love each other, that's all they need in order to be happy.
I'm looking for a man who will make me happy, also in turn I'll make him happy.