classical choreography, oriental dances, belly dance. Ballet, painting, art, design. Travel, opening of new impressions
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Oksana's Exclusive Photos
Aim of acquaintance
relationships, marriage
About me
I am very romantic, gentle, moderately emotional, moderately balanced and quiet, moderately jealous, moderately adventurous and extraordinary, true and demanding mutual fidelity. I am able to love, I am able to listen and understand, I am able to create a cosiness, to cook well. I can be different, sometimes a quiet and domestic kitty, sometimes the madwoman (in good understanding of this word) the wild cat ready to adventures and ex-recops.
About my partner
The first and obligatory requirement – clever, mind - it is so sexual ?
The second, also obligatory requirement – loving me, attentive, the third - true to me. I won't suffer treachery and treason.
Well-groomed, tidy, watching the appearance, but moderately. I don't love "narcissuses". Strong, sure, the romantic knowing what wants, working and capable to earn and care for the woman and the family.