About me
Spontaneously In this sunny day I've decided to join this new dating site . Greetings for everybody . I wanted to say that : My name is Oksana . But I guess this info you have read in my profile already .
It is very interesting to me to be a member of international dating site and I actually do not know how to introduce myself in a short way. I am not ordinary person definitely always in search for new impressions and feeling , I am never boring hmmmm better to say that almost never , communicable and truth worthy
About my partner
As I said in the informational list about Myself I do not know how to describe shortly the man of my dream . The main traits is honesty , openmindness and he must have the ability to feel personal distance , I am not that person who believe that everybody needs a Second Part , I am sure that everybody needs just a correct life partner that is what I am looking for