I am true hot bride... You can not express character of woman with few words as it is like weather so changeable ;) Still I am fortunate to say I have moral values, I treat people with respect and care... I am true woman so delicate and feminine ( and I open you small secret- I just love to flirt with my man ;) )... I am mother and family is on the first place for me... I am personally - my outlook is wide, I love learning new things and I am active nature - sitting at one place is not for me until I am in hit hugs of my man ;)
About my partner
My man, who is single dating now ;), should be leader in his social life and in his family, he should make me meowing like obedient kitten with only his glance and roar like lioness when we are together ;) ... He should impress me with his skills of being true man - showing his care towards his family, showing his loyalty to friends and being so purposeful in anything he does!