Expert tips on how to communicate on a date

You have decided to meet a girl online. You found a reliable application or website and created a profile. Then you told her in detail about yourself and your lifestyle. Your profile was creative and stood out from the others. And you did pick some potential girlfriends. My friend, at this point, you only exist in the middle. What to do next?

We've put together some online dating tips you can use confidently when you meet girls online. Please do! If you're having trouble meeting girls or aren't sure how to start a conversation, how to continue it, and what to ask them, this is the article for you. Here you will find some proven ways to communicate and feel confident in chats.

Start a conversation with a greeting

What do you usually do when you first meet a stranger at a party or a coffee shop? You greet each other, introduce yourself and ask how you're doing or how your day was. There's nothing supernatural or very new in this article, but for some reason, many people forget this simple step, so it's worth repeating.

Want to know how to start a dialogue on a dating site? Do what you would do in real life - say hello and your name. But don't overuse phrases like "Hi, how are you?". or just "Hello," you can use the following examples:

  • What are you cooking, do you look good? I'm Tom.
  • Hello, ma'am. I'm Tom. Nice to meet you.

  • How are you? I'm Tom. I haven't seen you here before.

Commenting on their profile

Writing a comment on a profile can be compared to traditional compliments in real life. For example, we compliment a girl who looks stunning in a new dress, beautiful makeup, or just a pretty face and a charming body. Doing the same thing online is a little more complicated.

We can't see your conversation partner at that moment unless you are making a video call. However, you can always comment on her messages on her profile. This shows that you are engaged and genuinely interested in what she is saying in her notes. If you don't know how to chat, you can always refer to some of her comments to start a conversation. Here are some examples of the kinds of messages you can write:

  • Do you like to cook too? I've signed up for the same cooking classes online. See you there.
  • I see you want to go for a morning run. That's great. I run about three miles every morning.
  • Do you know Elizabeth and Peter? Then I wonder why we haven't met before.

Ask me a question

It's a technique that works. Asking questions increases your chances of getting a response from a girl. Questions help keep the conversation going and get to know each other better. Of course, your dialogue doesn't have to be like a job interview or an exam. We recommend asking easy or even funny questions about lifestyle, hobbies, interests, family, etc. Information from her profile may help you.

So, how to reply to messages, dating online:

  • We see that you are interested in SMM. What books or courses would you recommend to a newbie like me?
  • Wow, you were lucky enough to be one of the first visitors to the new mall. What was it like? Did you enjoy it?

The simpler and sillier the question, the more the interlocutor opens up and feels comfortable in correspondence with you, which is very important. With this kind of reception, you will feel pleasant and comfortable in the parallel. Girls like cheerful and simple guys who are easy to talk to.

Express your interest

Whether you're writing an email or a simple text message, you should always be truthful and honest about how you feel about your partner. If you're already on a dating site, what reason is there to be insensitive? Show genuine interest in your conversation partner, and be sure their response will surprise you.

 It's also valuable advice for those who don't know what to say on a dating site - here are some examples of first posts:

  • I want to know more about you.

  • I see you've been to a lot of countries. Me too, I thought.

  • We could make a tremendous traveling couple.

Proposal to go on a date

If in the process of correspondence it turned out that you and the daisy from one city or at least from one country, you can offer the lady to meet, of course, if you are from different cities, it will be a little harder, but to try to agree is worth it.

Online dating doesn't have to stay online. If we're talking about a normal relationship, you'll have to meet your potential girlfriend in real life sooner or later. So if you feel you're both ready to meet in person, don't hesitate. Take the first step and ask the girl out. Women like confident men, so make a plan and propose.


  • Would you like to go out for coffee tomorrow after work?
  • How about dinner on Friday night?
  • Let's go for a walk next weekend.

The above methods and techniques will catch your interlocutor's attention, pique their interest, and perhaps more than just their interest, but don't be shy and be confident. People who know how to communicate online and respond to messages online are not pros.

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